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Detail Pekerjaan

Informasi Rumah

Marketing/Leasing Executive

Informasi Rumah


Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat


Full-TimeKerja di kantor

Lowongan sudah ditutup



Minimal SMA/SMK/Sederajat


Jenis Kelamin

Tidak ada ketentuan



Maksimal 35 Tahun



Minimal 1 Tahun

Pekerjaan ini membutuhkan

checkPencarian PelanggancheckKemampuan Menjual

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Job Role: - Curating & closing a deal with prospective tenants to occupy vacant space / units and ensure occupancy rates and targets market are met. Job Description: - Sourcing for prospective tenants to place an empty room / unit or replace if the tenant cancels / the tenant resigns. - Serves as an intermediary between tenant and relevant department (fit out, engineering, etc.) during the negotiation phase, bidding phase, and until the store opening period. - Expanding the tenant database, updating retail development, maintaining relationships with tenants. Job Requirements: - Minimum of 1 year experience in the retail leasing industry - Broad retail network connection - Strong Understanding of the current retail market conditions. - Excellent Ability to plan, negotiate a deal with prospective tenants. - Good communication & interpersonal skills. - Strong customer service and client management. - Willing to be placed at Terrasentra, Soreang - 20-35 years old

Hari Kerja

Senin - Jumat

Jam Kerja

08:00 - 17:00

Tentang Perusahaan

Informasi Rumah

Informasi Rumah

Developer Perumahan

Informasi Rumah merupakan suatu perusahaan atau bisnis yang mengembangkan sebuah area atau kawasan dengan membangun hunian seperti perumahan atau apartemen

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